LIVING WITH PLANTS - Fundamental.Berlin


Here a living room is given a cosier niche by using 3 large, low maintanance plants as a divider to the entry way at the rear.

A plant podium and a tall side table are used so that three medium sized plant are given a heirarchy, and each plant can be seen individually, while making a strong diagonal together.

The motif is reprised with the use of ivy on the coffee table. This kind of  creeper plant is perfect for a coffee table in front of a TV, as it provides a lot of green without obscuring the view.





In this classic Berlin bathroom, you can just go totally crazy, putting any random cutting your sister-in-law brought next to an impulse by from IKEA.

See what thrives and what works over time.

There is some method to the madness, however: the three red leafed plants make a triangle in the centre, providing focus. The more striking, bigger, geometric leaves are on the edge. Light from the window is filtered by more 'fluffy', smaller leaved plants.

 Just imagine how nice mornigns would be if all your half empty moisturisers and unused hair products were replaced with fresh little firends to chat to while brushing your teeth.



If you only have a few plants to work with, and you don't have any specific goals other than that they should look nice, you can start by grouping.

Smaller plants can be put in pairs or threes, either beside each other or on top of each other (on the shelf). That way they don't look lost and alone in a big room.

The strong vertical of the cactus can fend for itself, all the way out in the middle of the room, while the tough, tenacious medium sized rubber plant completes the look, creating a triangle with the cactus and the vertical pair.

Obviously the rules of geometric composition will be usurped by need for light and shade, so you will have to be flexible.

Also, it is important to note that plants don't love being moved around too much, so go easy on them.

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