be it the physical refraction of light in our REGENBOGEN collection, the recurring patterns in urban settlements in our CITIES series, or the mathematical formula that makes our GRAVITY collection float.
you can find our design objects now in selected concept and museum stores in over 34 countries from new york to tokyo, as well as in our studio showroom in central berlin.
Made with care
we focus on the phenomenal and sensual aspects of material. we usually used only one material per design. this also has the effect of making the pieces easy to clean, service and recycle. we work with small craft factories to create luxurious objects with a craftsman's attention to detail and quality.
sustainably sourced materials, recycled packaging and community focused manufacturing are deeply integrated into our business model.
we carefully engineer responsible and direct supply chains. we work for example with high tech medical equipment firms in northern italy, without whom we wouldn't be able to make the steel, brass and copper pieces.
or our crystal glass objects are made in small, privately run workshops in zhejhiang, china.
and social workshops for the disabled in berlin assaemble our products. the extra effort required to go (virtually) plastic free is carried out within the local community.